Other Resources
This page lists inspiring, practical, and useful content that has been created and shared by members of the Sai family from all across the globe. Within the links below, you will find resources that you can use as a leader, an individual, a parent, a child, or as a sadhaka.
The list below is not exhaustive. It is only a sample of the wealth of information that has been created by Bhagawan's inspiration. If you think there is a resource that should be added to the sample below, please send a message to info@premabandham.org.
On developments at our Alma Mater
All of us are keen to know the developments happening at our University and in witnessing the will of Bhagawan with respect to Higher Education in our country unfold. The Annual report of our University is a document that serves as a comprehensive guide to the Sathya Sai System of Integral Education. The report not only explains the model of education but is also filled with facts and data about our University. This is the document many of us have shared with colleagues, friends, and relatives who have expressed an interest in knowing more about our University. A couple of years ago, there was a gathering of leaders from the Industry at our Prashanthinilayam campus. The theme of the session was the unique value proposition of the Sri Sathya Sai system of integral education. One of the participants was a senior director from a reputed software development organization. After the session on integral education by the registrar of our University, he walked up to some of us and expressed his excitement in receiving a blueprint on how to handle his own teenage children! Most of the content that was shared in that session is also part of the annual reports.
Senior Boys Hostel - YouTube Channel
Looking to relieve some of your cherished memories of hostel life? The Senior boys' hostel has its own YouTube channel named Students of Sri Sathya Sai. The channel has a large collection of videos that include topic-based snippets from Bhagawan's discources, Satsang sessions, videos of Bhagawan's visits to the hostel, and creative videos made for special occassions.
On Bhajans...
Looking for beautifully sung bhajans (by our Prashanthi Mandir Bhajan group) along with the bliss of the Darshan of Bhagawan? Head to the Sri Sathya Sai Bhajans channel on YouTube. This channel by the Sri Sathya Sai media center (Radio Sai). As of December 2020, there are over 650 videos covering nearly every bhajan we have had heard during our lives. The channel also contains curated Roadtrip playlists! This is also a great resource if you want to have a bhajan session with your family and do not have enough singers to lead the bhajan session.
Are you looking for a way to teach bhajans to your child? The Sri Sathya Sai media center (Radio Sai) team has created a Bhajan Tutor module. You can access the training videos at the Bhajan Tutor Playlist and audio-only versions within the media center archives. There are lessons for over 90 bhajans. Karaoke tracks in different notes for gents and ladies are also available!
The Prashanthi Mandir Bhajan Group brothers have also conducted Bhajan Singing workshops at various locations. The 2-hour workshop they conducted in Delhi is available here.
Have you been wanting to purchase digital versions of the music and bhajan CDs from the Sri Sathya Sai Books and Publications division? Digital purchases are now possible from the Digital Downloads section of the store.
Sri Sathya Sai answers
Sri Sathya Sai Answers is a new initiative by the Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organization. The YouTube channel is dedicated to providing valuable insights from Bhagawan's discourses that answer fundamental questions facing us today. Each video in the channel contains answers to one question that we have asked ourselves at some point in our lives. One example of a question answered in the channel is "What is the end goal of education?"
Topic based classification of Bhagawan's Poems and Chinna Kathas
Looking for a poem/padhyam sung by Bhagawan either at the beginning of His discourse or during the discourse? Our brothers at Sri Sathya Sai media center (Radio Sai) have carefully curated these concentrated gems of wisdom at the Poems section of the Sri Sathya Sai Media Center website. The same page has a link that will display a similar classification of Chinna Kathas (short stories). Both of these make for great anchor points for study circles.
The Poems and Chinna Kathas above are part of a broader module dedicated to the message of Bhagawan in his own words aptly titled "Sathya Sai Speaks".
Study circles and Q&A sessions
The Sri Sathya Sai media center (Radio Sai) team has a collection of study circle sessions covering a broad range of topics that may provide the insights you need to progress in your personal, professional, or spiritual path.
The Sri Sathya Sai media center (Radio Sai) team also has a program series called "Answering Booth" that answers questions sent to them by listeners. This is a great resource for both parents and balvikas teachers. There are over 90 questions answered as part of these sessions. Search for the "answering booth" at the following link to view and download the sessions.
Animated show with moral values
We may not always be able to control the amount of time kids spend on online entertainment. Thanks to our brothers at Sri Sathya Sai media center (Radio Sai), we have an animated series available online called "Uncle Lion Tales" that teach and entertain children in equal measure.
Resources on teaching human values
Balvikas is the first initiative that was started by Bhagawan (long before He started the education institutions). Many of our lives have been transformed because of our Balvikas experience. The Sri Sathya Sai organization has excellent online resources that you can use as a parent, a balvikas student, a teacher, or as an individual looking for "healthy" ways to engage children. The following are some great Balvikas resources:
The central website for the Balvikas wing of the Sathya Sai Organization, India.
Balvikas app from Balvikas wing of Tamil Nadu, India (Android app, IOS app).
Balvikas website of Tamil Nadu, India - This website has lots of useful resources including all volumes of the Sundaram Sai Bhajans.
Resouces from the Sathya Sai Education Wing of the Sathya Sai Organization, Zone 1, Region 2, USA. This website has useful workbooks and lesson plans.
Institute of Sathya Sai Education, Australia. The site has, among other things, excellent posters and a useful book on seven steps to enhance your self-esteem.
Kindle editions of Sai Literature
Do you use your office commute to catch up on your reading? Looking for a way to stay inspired every day with Sai Literature? Many of the books we all grew up with (including the popular book - Loving God by Sri N. Kasturi) are available on the Kindle store.
Audiobook editions of Sai Literature
The Sri Sathya Sai media center (Radio Sai) website has audiobook editions of many books. Look within the "Talking Book" section on this page.
A few audiobooks are also available from our Sri Sathya Sai Books and Publications division.
Photographs for your altar/home
Many alumni have asked about procuring photographs for their altars/home. You can find the photo that connects with your heart and procure a print in the size of your choice at https://saireflections.org/